R Packages

Collaborations with Other Developers


  • remedy: RStudio Addins to Simplify Markdown Writing. CRAN\_Status\_Badgedownloads

  • ggeasy: ggplot2 shortcuts (transformations made easy). CRAN\_Status\_Badgedownloads

  • slackr: A package to send webhook API messages to Slack.com channels/users from R. CRAN\_Status\_Badgedownloads

  • ggalt: Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms, Statistical Transformations & Scales for ggplot2. CRAN\_Status\_Badgedownloads


  • equatiomatic: Convert models to LaTeX equations.

The icons at the end of each description show where the project is maintained and links are attached to each one to take you to the relevant page.

Github CRAN bl.ocks

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