
Create beautiful images of your source code from R

carbon.js is the easiest way to create beautiful images of your source code, and carbonate creates an api in R to interact with it. The package gives a new simple way to share your script with the rest of the R community on posters, slides, Shiny apps and social media! This little snippet combines SO MANY of my favorite #rstats 📦s: ✨ @jimhester_'s glue 🥛 @yoniceedee's carbonate 🐦 @kearneymw's rtweet [Read More]

Automating roxygen2 package documentation

Take the mystery out of CRAN level package maintenance

Thinking of creating a new package? Dread the task of function documentation? Afraid to run devtools::check(build_args = '--as-cran') and get bombarded by Errors, Warnings, and Notes (oh my!) ? Wait…. breathe! After feeling all that anxiety and following all of Hadley’s directions online, I felt I was doing a lot of manual labour, and that a package should be doing all lot of this for me. So we wrote one - sinew (sin-yu). [Read More]


a R Package to create self-populating roxygen2 skeletons

Sinew is a R package that generates a Roxygen skeleton populated with information scraped from the function script. Functionality makeOxygen: Create skeleton for Roxygen2 documentation populated with information scraped from within the package function scripts. makeImport: Create import calls for DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE and Roxygen2 makeDictionary: Create an R file of all the unique roxygen parameter fields in a package R subdirectory. makeOxygen Function that returns the skeleton for roxygen2 documentation including title, description, return, import and other fields populated with information scraped from the function script. [Read More]

ggedit 0.2.0


We are pleased to announce the release of the ggedit package on CRAN. To install the package you can call the standard R command install.packages('ggedit') The source version is still tracked on github, which has been reorganized to be easier to navigate. To install the dev version: devtools::install_github('metrumresearchgroup/ggedit') What is ggedit? ggedit is an R package that is used to facilitate ggplot formatting. With ggedit, R users of all experience levels can easily move from creating ggplots to refining aesthetic details, all while maintaining portability for further reproducible research and collaboration. [Read More]

ggedit 0.1.1

Shiny module to interactvely edit ggplots within Shiny applications

ggedit is a package that lets users interactively edit ggplot layer and theme aesthetics. In a previous post we showed you how to use it in a collaborative workflow using standard R scripts. More importantly, we highlighted that ggedit outputs to the user, after editing, updated: gg plots, layers, scales and themes as both self-contained objects and script that you can paste directly in your code. Installation devtools::install_github("metrumresearchgroup/ggedit",subdir="ggedit") version 0. [Read More]


my first Shiny gadget

ggplot2 has become the standard of plotting in R for many users. New users, however, may find the learning curve steep at first, and more experienced users may find it challenging to keep track of all the options (especially in the theme!). ggedit is a package that helps users bridge the gap between making a plot and getting all of those pesky plot aesthetics just right, all while keeping everything portable for further research and collaboration. [Read More]